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This listuing is for a HOTBIN Mini (100ltrs) with a plinth.


The HOTBIN is like no other compost bin on the market, it will quickly chomp through all your food and garden waste turning it into rich, organic compost your garden will love.


The innovative design and insulating nature of the material keeps the HOTBIN HOT, creating a natural environment which quickly digests the contents, making HOT composting easy - all without having to add any composting accelerators or activators!


Collecting the nutrient-rich liquid fertiliser from your HOTBIN is now easier with the new HOTBIN Plinth. The Plinth raises your HOTBIN off the ground by 125mm (5 inches) providing easy access to slide a suitable receptacle underneath the HOTBIN tap when draining the liquid fertiliser.


Durable, sleek and hardwearing, situate the Plinth on a flat level surface and ease the HOTBIN into the contoured raised edges to provide a snug, firmly nested fit.


  • Makes collecting liquid fertiliser easy
  • Quick and easy set up and install
  • Waterproof and all year round weather proof


HOTBIN reduces the amount of waste sent to landfill by composting more types of food waste. Be less selective by composting 100% of all food and garden waste without the traditional composting problems of odour, flies, turning and tumbling.


HOTBIN has been independently tested by Garden Organic and voted Best Composting Making Product in the Great British Growing Awards,  HOTBIN has thousands of satisfied customers and a stack load of reviews and case studies proving that HOTBIN really is a HOT composting bin that



Trust HOTBIN, the HOT composting system that lets you compost more!

HOTBIN Mini (100 ltrs) with Plinth

SKU: 90896-90952B

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